Safety features of RUPNIK Diaphragm Valve

On their own merit Diaphragm Valves are a safety gear as the Diaphragm is strongly held between the two flanges so that a risky fluid is not in touch with the operating system.

The safety problem arises if the diaphragm breaks (e.g. hammer problem or other problem which in fact is very rare) and the fluid tend to escape which can be counteracted through an (optional) expensive gear.

On the basis of the experience acquired in many years of work , also in view of the expansion of the chemical industry and the vast applications of all sort of fluids aggressive, corrosive and abrasive (including dangerous ones in every respect) sometime with not negligible high temperatures, we designed the RUPNIK valve finding what we feel is the best possible solution.

Such design brings along a number of innovations respect the available standard with special attention to the safety concept:

  • Choice of spheroidal graphite, practically equal to steel, leaving aside cast iron due to the poor quality.
  • Typology of the operating stem that becomes the main safety device.
  • Flexibility of the operating system that allows to convert a manual valve to the actuated version just taking off the hand-wheel part, fitting an actuator with a few connecting tools.

  • Rupnik Valves - 16162 Genova - Via Colano 9A/12s Tel. 334.1647368  Fax (+39) 010 584277 -